Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Walk a Tybee Island Beach

I highly recommend this activity.  Especially when it's February and they're talking about another major winter storm.  And if you have your 20 month old granddaughter with you and her parents, that's even  better.
Recently, I read a suggestion that you document 50 things about a walk in your neighborhood.  I don't know about 50, but here goes.
1.  Sand so firmly packed that even we folks with arthritis can walk comfortably.
2.  Finding so many perfect or almost perfect shells that you have to start choosing which ones to keep.
3.  Watching pelicans fish for their lunch.
4.  Watching your daughter and son-in-law be wonderful parents.
5.  Watching you granddaughter show everyone that sometimes you just need to sit down and check out the sand and the shells.  There's no need to be going anywhere.
6.  Piping Plovers -- new species for me.
7.  Jellyfish that didn't make it on the outgoing tide.
8.  Horseshoe crab shells -- really big ones.  Like the ones we sometimes find in Amagansett but there seem to be more of them here.
9.  A cloud of ducks settling on the waves or taking off in one long, long line.
10.  Cormorants -- another new species for me.  My life list is really improving.
11.  Learning about how to recognize sand dollars that are still alive so you don't reduce their population.
12.  Waves chasing you back up the beach.
13.  Swings on the beach for once again just sitting and letting it happen.
14.  Warm sun on your face, even if you know that face is going to be red tomorrow.
15.  Okay, okay, I've got some work to do on noticing but I am working on it.

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