Sunday, February 17, 2013


Compline -- that's what the sign said. Okay, I know that compline is one of the liturgical hours of the church.  And I have a feeling that it's one of the evening hours, but I really never can keep them straight.  "Sing good night to God", it said.  Sounds appealing.  As a veteran of a lot of lullabies, that resonates with me.

But what is it doing on the lawn of  the Independent Presbyterian Church?  Now I'm confused.  But I take note of the time, 9:00 pm.  Good, I must be right about it being one of the evening or night hours.  Don't know if it's going to fit in with the rest of the day, but I'll keep it in mind.

So, at 9:00 pm, after a great dinner at a new restaurant with a new dessert wine at the end, I realize there's just time to make it to Compline.  In my mellow mood, it feels just about right.  It totally was.  A beautiful candlelit church.  A surprisingly (to me) good number of people ( about 40 -- I counted).  A choir with wonderful voices.  The voices, the music, the quiet, the sung prayers.  It all became a sort of aural incense.  Nothing has said 'Worship' like that in quite a while.  We did indeed sing good night to God.  And I think He liked it.

BTW, it turns out that Christ Church Anglican worships in the Presbyterian Church on a regular basis.  May have to check in again.  And if there are any pastors or other knowledgeable folks reading this, someone please explain to me how Anglican in the United States differs from Episcopalian.

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