Sunday, December 29, 2013

Over the River

Over the river and through the woods to grandmother's house we go.  But this time it was Gran doing the over the river and through the woods bit.  I had been on the road ever since purchasing a dozen or so bagels in Amagansett that morning.  It was the 21st, the shortest day of the year, and I was headed for southwest Pennsylvania and the house where the whole family was rendezvousing for Christmas.  The weather had been pretty close to perfect but now it was getting dark, snow was thinking about falling and it was time to leave the Turnpike.

Rural roads are very dark.  They are also twisty, with lots of turns and ups and downs.  Now the snow had decided to be rain and at times it was one of those rains that just slashes down.  When the rain let up for a while, it was fog that looked like a wall in front of the car.  Take your choice.  It was probably good that I couldn't see much beyond the edge of the road because I really didn't want to know.  If I had been able to see enough to find a place to turn off, I would have let the line of cars behind me go past.  They undoubtedly knew the area much better than I did and I would have been happy to have had someone to follow.  As it was, I mentally apologized to all of them and waited for them to find their homes or the turnoff at the next crossroads.

About 7:30, the GPS told me I was close and I made the last turn.  The house was alight.  There were five cars in the driveway.  I was the last one there.  I made my way up to the porch and opened the door.  A 2 and a half year old started jumping up and down and announcing to the whole gang, "Gran's here.  Gran's here."  The everyone hugs started.  I was home.

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