Today Fiona and Kit and I went to Preschool at the Farm, an activity for preschoolers at Common Ground Farm, the CSA that Kit and Nate belong to. It was all about the summer solstice, making crowns from grape vines and flowers and checking out the cows (I was amazed to find that I still recognized Jerseys and Herefords and knew which was which).
This was followed by a picnic which included strawberries from the strawberry patch and sugar snap pea pods picked by Fiona and two new friends for me, Maureen and her daughter, Tally, who is definitely in the running for cutest kid. When they left so Tally could check out the sheep in the barn (you should have seen her face when the barn door opened signaling her chance to go visit her friends), Kit and I and Fiona continued munching and talking. A few early swallows were swooping by. Kit spotted a groundhog thinking about a raid on the CSA vegetables. And then, wonder of wonders, a fawn appeared right next to us. It stopped completely still. I'm sure it's mother had told it that the first line of defense is to stay still and hope nobody notices you. We looked at each other for a few seconds. Then in three bounds it was out of the clearing and into the trees. Such a beautiful creature. I have never been that close to a fawn before. I don't think I have ever seen anything so lovely. What a moment to share. It's one for my collection of moments.
This may not be my farm but I am so happy to know that Fiona has her own farm and her own adventures.
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