Saturday, April 13, 2013


I'm on the road again and once again I keep finding surprises.  As soon as I got past Kansas City, the view opened out.  All at once, the horizon was a long, long way away.  As I continued on across Oklahoma and the Texas panhandle, it just got to be more and more.  It was like being in the center of the world.  I just had to get out of the car and turn 360 degrees to see it all.  The cloudscapes were phenomenal.  Something that you usually don't pay much attention to at all now has enough canvas to become a moving architectural show.  Stunning is the word that comes to mind.

The feeling that goes with all this openness and the amount of space you can see and feel is wonderful. Exhilarating and relaxing at the same time.  Driving along in the car, you feel yourself sitting straighter and your shoulders relaxing.  When you're actually outside with the wind added and cloud shadows and the smell of grass and rain, well the word becomes spectacular.  There's something that feels very, very good about having that much space before you get to the horizon.  Horizons suddenly seem not to be constricting, but inviting, opening you up and leading you on.

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